In the video, I imagine it to be about a girl, having a lot of flashbacks, cutting between the flashbacks and the present. In the present she would be singing whilst walking in a field in the countryside, wearing a long floaty dress with a huge train, and/or in an abandoned house as I think there would be a lot of cool things you could include in a video in an abandoned house. For example clowns, ballerinas, a pillow fight and an artist. I also imagine the flashbacks to have some sort of effect on them to make clear it is a flashback.
I imagine the video to start with a pan of the landscape and then cut to closer up shots of different elements of the landscape such as different flowers, the sky and trees etc. When the lyrics start, I then imagine it to cut to a tracking mid shot of her singing whilst walking through the field. When the beat kicks in, I picture the first flashback of her as a child playing in a park or at the beach,this clip will have a darker effect. Then it cuts back to her in the field still walking and singing. Then we hear the bridge, I imagine this bit to be in the abandoned house, with weird things in there, such as scary clowns, girls having a pillow fight, a painter/artist and people that just look out of place, whilst she is standing singing in the dark in plain clothing. The chorus then comes in again, and it will then cut back to another flash back of her when she was a bit older than the previous flashback, perhaps her in school writing, and her with her friends, still using the same effect as the previous flashback.
When the lyrics go ' I got that summer time summer time sadness' it cuts back to her laying down in the field singing with the dress spread out all around her. On the next verse, it cuts to her back in the house, however, I would like this to be more static- like still pictures edited together quickly to give it a distorted effect and I also think it would be cool to have colourful lights flashing at this moment. The beat then kicks in again and she is still in the house, but this time the feathers from the girls pillow fight are falling all around her, and the painter is throwing lots of paint at her whilst she is standing still singing. I also think it would look good if the images kept freezing and then playing again, but flicking back and forward, to again, give it the distorted look. Then finally, for the last chorus, it cuts back to her in the field singing,using mid shots and close ups but quick image flashbacks keep appearing on the screen and then at the end we see her walking in the field, a high angle from behind that keeps zooming out so eventually she looks really far away and we just see her white dress with a long train in the middle of an empty field.

Album Cover.
Back Cover.
For the album cover, I liked the ideas of flowers, like we will see in the field in the video, however, I added some effects and highlighted some flowers to make it stand out and then I added some pixelated squares to stand for the flashbacks. The title and artist name, I kept simple so it would stand out against the white. I then reversed the image for the back cover and put the tracks within the pixelated square.

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