Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Test Footage.

We decided to film our test shoot on the football pitch at school, as we didn’t have access to a graveyard. We filmed our opening sequence for our Thriller idea. We filmed a man standing at the back of a funeral and then we see a close up of him texting the words ‘you’re next’ and it cuts back to the funeral and he has gone and we are left seeing a girl looking worried and panicked.

As said above, we were unable to get access to an actual funeral\ graveyard so we therefore had to compromise. We filmed the opening sequence on our school football pitch and had to use actors that were16-17 year olds in their own school clothes (not funeral attire) We also didn’t have a coffin or a hold in the ground to bury it in so we just had to pretend that there was one there. Finally, we had to use me instead of the creepy man who stood at the back as Tom was missing from our group.

We used a lot of panning in our opening sequence, to put into perspective how big the space was and how close the actually was to the girl and was also wanted to pan so you are able to see the location of the funeral. We also used a few close ups to show emotion on the girls face to make the audience empathise with her and so we could see what the man was typing on the phone.

Starts with a mid shot then pans out to an extreme long shot.

close up of a phone to see what the text says
Midshot of faces.



mid shot that pans to show rest of group. 

I thought this process was very useful as it enabled us to see our idea was not good enough to be our opening sequence and it also was to short. It also didn’t create much tension. The pace was also very slow which made it boring and uninteresting to watch. There were a few elements that we thought were good such as the close ups and the pan to put things into perspective so therefore we are going to carry them through to our next idea. We are also going to take through the coffin idea but are going to scrap the funeral element of it. Taking all this into consideration we decided to change the idea to make it more tense and interesting. We pitched the idea and also took the feedback into consideration. We decided to changed our idea so that the whole thing is set in a coffin

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