Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Costumes & Props Possible Ideas.

As we only have one character in our opening sequence, we only need one costume. At first we thought maybe the girl could just be in casual clothes as she is a teenager, so we thought jeans and a top would be fine. After discussing this, we thought it may look plain and boring and it would look much better if the girl was dressed up in something like a wedding dress as it would create more questions to the audience and it would also create more suspense, which is a main convention of a thriller.

We are going to buy the wedding dress from a charity shop or we are going to look at home to see if any of us have anything remotely similar to a wedding dress, which will save us money. If something goes wrong, we will just go back to the original plan of the jeans and t-shirt as they are easy to get hold of, or we could possibly just find a white dress to use.

We don’t know the exact cost of the wedding dress yet as each charity shop varies in price, the jeans and t-shirt wont cost anything as one of us will just bring them in from home (and they will be old clothes that we don’t wear anymore.) As mentioned above we are going to use the wedding dress to create more questions and tension and we are also going to cover it in mud which creates even more questions. For example: where has she been? And why is a teenage girl dressed in a wedding dress covered in mud?

As our actress will be trapped inside a box, we don't really need any props as the space is very confined and any props may help her be able to get out. However, we will need a digital timer which we will use as a light source. 

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