Sunday, 16 November 2014

My original ideas & Class Feedback.

Thriller Ideas and Opening Sequence.
Seeing Double.
Man is leading a double life. He is a police officer but has also committed a lot of very bad and serious crimes. He has raped and murdered 3 women in his other life, but 5 years later he is at work and is now investigating the crime as one of the bodies has just been found. Will people find out it was him?
For the opening sequence, I would like to use several clips from different news channels about the 3 girls going missing. The clips would cut from one channel to the next and eventually the sound from the clips would play over each other and then it would cut to black. Next we would see the back of a man dragging some bodies, but we don’t ever see his face. Next it cuts to the policeman at work and we hear a voice over of a news presenter saying that a girl who went missing 5 years ago, body has been found. We see the man at work trying to investigate the incident. An image of a wrist tied to a bed flashes on the screen and then we cut back to the man talking at work. We then see another body revealed with a voice over, it quickly cuts to a woman with hands around her throat. The speed of the cuts get quicker and we see a lot more shots of violent things. Then it cuts straight to black and there is a big bang. Finally we see a man slowly walking towards the camera with his hood up but we cannot see his face.
Terrorist is trying to blow up the UK & the police have found out. They don’t have enough evidence to arrest him but the deadline for when he is blowing up the country is getting closer. They are getting frustrated trying to find evidence, but keep getting distracted by other incidents and crimes. Will they arrest him before he blows the country up? It is like a ticking time bomb.
It would start with a close up of a digital clock, saying 07:00 (70 days before the attack) we would then hear the alarm ring and see a man hit the snooze button. It will then cut to the police station where we see a conference going on and we hear about the man who is trying to blow up the UK. It then cuts back to the man, who is in his house on the computer researching chemical explosives. It cuts back to the police and we hear one of them say, “ We don’t have enough evidence”. Next there will be quick cuts of car chases, gunshots and shouting. Finally there is a huge explosion and the screen goes black.
The hunt.
A woman has given birth to a baby girl and soon after it’s born, the baby gets stolen. The mother is an outcast and doesn’t really have many friends in the town. When she rings the police to report what has happened, they laugh and say she is still high off the drugs from labour so they ignore her. The woman decides to look for the baby on her own, but every time she gets close to finding it, something gets in the way or distracts her. Its as if someone is watching her and trying to stop her.
We see a row of babies all lying in their hospital cribs and one of them is empty. We hear a voice over of a phone call to the police of the mother reporting the baby missing and in reply we hear laughter. We then see the mother jump into a car and speed with the address of a nursery. We see a close up of the nursery’s sign, but no one to be seen. The journey continues and fades in and out of different stages. It fades to black and we hear a scream.

Holiday from Hell.
A family decide to go on holiday. They arrive at their hotel in Mexico and open their room door to be greeted by a man who invites them inside. He has lots of dangerous tools and a lot of dangerous chemicals. He keeps the family locked up and tortures them while doing experiments at the same time. Another guest at the hotel realises what is going on inside the room and begins to get help to try and set the family free, but he needs to be careful who he speaks to as a lot of people working in the hotel are also in on the incident.
It starts of with a family conversation of where they would like to go on holiday this year. We hear Mexico being screamed and then Mexcian music starts to play as we see the plane leave the runway and we see shots of the family on the plane. It then cuts to a door opening and we see lots of quick cuts to different tools and chemicals and we see a close up of a scary old mans face and he says ‘ come on in’ it fades to black and we hear a bang sound as the door slams. Next we see wires connected to arms and someone getting their hair shaved off. Next we see a man running shouting help and the screen goes dark.
 Feedback from my original idea. 
I found that when presenting my main idea to the class (Seeing Double) a lot of people liked the idea that it was channeling two different lives, they said I had understood the genre and they also liked the idea of the news clips running over each otherHowever people said that the idea was quite complicated for an opening sequence and it was more like a trailer. To help improve my idea, perhaps I could take a few things out, especially the shot of the man at the end. 

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