Monday, 20 October 2014

Preliminary Media Task.

Preliminary Media Task.

I was in a group with Bern, Eliza, Poppy and Alex and we were given a storyboard scene to film. First of all, Bern and I acted while Eliza directed and filmed while Poppy and Alex worked on continuity and one of them shouted stand by, roll camera, . They filmed me walking in the room, picking up the phone, talking to Bern and then walking out again. I had to make sure that I stood in the same place each time I repeated a line, which was hard to think about and try and remember. I also had to remember to pick the phone up and put it down at the right times. The lines were quite similar and repetitive so therefore were difficult to remember, which made it even harder to think about continuity.

We then switched roles. Bern and I directed and filmed while Eliza acted and Alex and poppy worked on continuity We decided to film from some different angels, like a jawed angle as well as the angles we had been told to film, such as mid shot and close up. We shot several different close ups of the phone and Eliza’s lips While filming, I also had to shout Stand by, roll camera, action and cut. This was to make sure everyone was ready and in position before we filmed and to tell people they could move or talk after we had finished filming.


Next, we began to edit our footage using Adobe Premiere Pro.

We were showed how to create new 'bins' to save our rushed in so then we always had the originals.  This is important because if you kept cutting and cutting from a certain shot, then realised you'd cut too much, you can start again by copying the original. We then renamed our footage so we knew which ones were good and which ones were bad.

Then, we added our rushes to the timeline and began to edit it using tools such as Trim Handles. We also had to make sure we kept saving our work every 5 minutes as it was very important we didn't loose any work. I think that next time i will need to be more precise when cutting. 
When we first see this over the shoulder shot, you can hear the end of the word before, which is a result of un-precise editing, so I would defiantly concentrate on that next time. I would also make sure that the final sequence looks smooth and I am 100% happy with it, I think sometimes it has been cut too fast which makes it quite fast faced and funny, which it is not meant to be. I would also make sure that I was happy with all the shots, as i think the end shot looks quite bizarre when watching it back. However, I think some things work really well, such as the close up and extreme close up.

Overall, I really enjoyed doing this task as it is something I've never done before. I found the editing a lot easier than I thought it would be, it was much simpler than I imagined. The main lesson I learned throughout the whole task is to save your 5 each time you do something new, because if you don't and then the computer crashes, you will have lost everything. I will defiantly 

be using all the skills I have learned while editing through to my production group such and think the more I use adobe premiere, the better I will get at editing. 

View The Final Sequence: